Millenials at Workplace


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By 2025, Millenials will compromise 75% of the workforce acc to World Economic Forum.  Millenials are joining the workplaces in large numbers . Today , if you talk to any of the HR Leader, the top most question on their mind is How to Manage and Engage the Millenials.
Millenials are the people born after 1980. While earlier generations ie Baby Boomers, Gen X followed the top down corporate structure, Millenials like to operate in Networks .
Their mindset is all about networking . They have grown up with new technologies . Social Media is their way of Life. Therefore , Gen Y or Millenials expect different employment experience . They are more comfortable with flat structures vis a vis hierarchies. Command and control style of management doesn’t work with millennials therefore Managers will have to learn to give up control. This is a new management shift that managers will have to deal with caused by rising number of Millenials in the working population. Millenials grew up in an environment where they have a say in everything from electing Leaders to choosing vacation destination for Family.
They want their voices to be heard and have the need to have their inputs in collective decision making. They are not comfortable with decisions being taken at the top and thrown at them which affects their lives directly. The need to lend their share of voice is greater.
At IBM, the policy to use Uber for transportation was shaped because a Millenial wrote a blog that UBER is cost effective . Leaders took note of his blogpost and within 24 hours , policy decision was accordingly modified and adjusted. You cant ignore millennials .
The employer culture, salary, every aspect of working environment is openly discussed at Glassdoor by Millenials. If they don’t like something, they highlight it . Leaders are paying attention to glassdoor in terms of what is being said about their Brand, culture, management, leadership.
They embrace technology just like fish to water. Their working lives doesn’t have 9 to 6 schedule but are connected 24 by 7 . In this hyperconnected world, they demand flexibility – the ability to do work anytime, anywhere. Hence more companies are offering Telecommuting or flexi work or work from home to their employees.
Millenials have also started occupying Leaderahip positions at workplaces. So we see, a new breed of startups , and fresh thinking coming up at big corporates. They bring new perspectives of how work gets done . They have underlying desire to shape workplace policies, to make a contribution, to play a role which contributes to society. Their communication style is open and transparent. They are open to be mentored , place emphasis on networking to succeed at work and at life. They demand flexibility and use mobile phone and apps for routine and specific tasks. In fact , they are the ones who are building these new apps for making lives easier.
Millenials are different and shaping up the Future of work and workplaces. It wont be prudent of any Leader to ignore this pool of Talent, to move the organization forward. Invest in Millenials, develop their Leadership skills and learn to include them in decision making to ensure they remain engaged , productive and effective at workplaces.

When we tell people to do their jobs, we get workers. When we trust people to get the job done, we get leaders – Simon Sinek


Open Letter to Women looking for Job Opportunities

Hello ,All Talented women who have taken a break from work for personal reasons for few years. Congratulations.  that now you have decided to join the workforce. Of course, you should. After all, all the education, talent, experience should be put to a greater use . Work is a part of our identity though we don’t like to be described in terms of work alone.

I am writing a generic letter to all talented women who look for Career guidance. I list out few  Things that are well within your control which you can do to make yourself workforce ready . It will help put the best foot forward .

  1. Network Network NetworkWhy do I say so ? 80% of today’s jobs are landed through networking . Network is your networth. Make use of Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin . Reach out to folks who are willing to share their expertise, knowledge, experience and insights with you and learn from them. Open Forums and Knowledge groups are great platforms to find new friends , belong to a community, and ultimately land up job opportunities. If you are a HR Professional, I invite you to join WOWHR, we discuss HR , help and support each other , Learn together and have Fun along with way 🙂

  1. Develop your Personal Brand – In simple words, raise your visibility. In a crowded job market, it pays off to differentiate yourself 
  2. Reinvent Yourself – It means be open to take on a totally different avatar & be willing to do different stuff than what you have done before. Add new skills to your portfolio, take on new assignments even if it means a short term ( 2- 3 months) assignment. 
  3. Social Media Management – Social Media has made all of us publishers. Write your own script and best narrative to showcase through Social Media. 
  4. Join Communities of interest – Community means new friendships, new learnings, new relationships. Remember The strength of weak ties i.e., when applied in real world it means that weaker ties ironically are more helpful in landing jobs than one’s close friends. Twitter and Linkedin both are great houses for communities for a keen eye. If you cant find an interesting one, Hell yeah, start your own community and demonstrate your Leadership potential. 
    Follow Nischala’s blog. She speaks through her heart  to women of all ages . You will find an instant connection and a friend in her blog.

  5. Attend Conferences like Sheroes to Learn new things and meet interesting people once a year -If you havnt heard of Sheroes yet, you might be truly living under a rock. Register yourself on Sheroes. They are doing a great work for women community . Where else could I learn that there is a Venture Fund exclusively setup to fund and encourage Women Entrepreneurs.
  6. Read Good Books – Read books related to your work interests to keep yourself sharp and stay upto date on latest trends. Need I say more ?:-) 

  7. Believe in yourself – We all go through different phases in Life – Highs and Lows. Let the lows not affect you so much that you forget to swim. Keep learning , Keep navigating , Dream on new dreams and then make yourself busy to realize those dreams.

Stay connected 🙂 Share your story . I can be reached out via twitter @rucsb

Future Ready WorkForce

Future Ready Workforce will constitute Individuals who are LifeLongLearners, who have the ability to learn, unlearn, relearn and reinvent themselves. Who are agile, and make  investment in self education and acquiring new skills.
Future ready workforce also mean networked and collaborative workforce. They know how to collaborate, create trust in virtual environment, reach out to experts across borders and locate expertise quickly at the tip of fingertips to create value for clients. 
Future ready workforce means individual employees may not have all the answers to client problems however have the skills to find the answers and reach out to experts.
Who knows what , who knows whom and who knows what you know  becomes utmost important , hence the value of networks.
Future ready workforce know how to manage work & get work done in a borderless economy.